Understand the prevalence of disordered eating, body image issues and eating disorders
Understand diet culture and the harm it causes
Identify symptoms and diagnose Eating Disorders
Know how to make therapeutic and support team recommendations for client
Address their own biases and begin to understand their relationship to food and diet culture
Decrease harmful language and interactions
Use and Teach inclusive and evidence based language
Increase skills and resources for the eating disorder clients
Use therapeutic tools and interventions to appropriately address, eating disorders and body image
Understand and teach Intuitive Eating Principles
Work within a Team Model
Utilize Family interventions
Understand and Utilize Parts Work and Ego State Work for Eating Disorders
Identify and understand how trauma affects Eating Disorders
Understand the limitations of doing trauma work and EMDR with Eating Disorder Clients
Utilize therapeutic tools and modalities for clients with all types of eating disorders